Job searching may differ during a pandemic than at other times. Interviews are increasingly conducted over video conferences, and recruiters may more likely refer to your online presence if they cannot meet you in person.
Despite these changes to the job search process, there are things you can do to make your job search less stressful and more successful. Continue reading to discover our top tips for finding a job during a pandemic!
Create Career Goals
A good job search starts with establishing your career goals. To accomplish this, you will need to answer some questions about yourself and what you want from life. Would I prefer working with people or technology? How do I see my life in five years?
The first step to effective job searching is to create your career goals. This will require you to answer some questions about yourself and what you would like to achieve in the future. Consider asking yourself the following questions: What are my interests and strengths? What type of company do I want to work for? Do I want to work with people or with technology? What do I want my life to be like in five years?
Answering these questions will help you determine what career would be the most suitable for you. For example, if you want to work with people, are interested in healthcare, and would like to work at a company where you can help others, a career in practical nursing could be a good career choice.
Start Job Searching
After you’ve developed your career goals and completed the necessary training, such as our 18-month Nursing program, you’re ready to start job-hunting. Ensure that all relevant experience, education, and credentials are listed in your resume and LinkedIn profile. Generally, these are the primary factors hiring managers take into account when considering you for a position.
Also, it’s beneficial to review your other social media accounts to be sure you have nothing that might disqualify you from a position. In response to the pandemic, employers are increasingly conducting the hiring process virtually, which means recruiters will more likely look at a candidate’s social media pages.
It’s important to set aside time distinctly for job searching so that you remain on track. Examine the websites and job postings of companies you would like to work for to find out if they have any available positions. There are numerous sites to look for jobs, such as Indeed, LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Monster, Simply Hired, CareerBuilder, Jooble, and even directly on Google. Setting up alerts will ensure that you are aware of new jobs as soon as they are posted. Setting up alerts will enable you to be aware of new job postings as soon as they become available.
Employing your professional network is also an excellent way to find out about job openings. Share with others in your network that you are looking for a job and the type of position you are seeking, so they can keep you in mind when any positions open up.
Prepare for Interviews
During a pandemic, interview preparation is a bit different, as many interviews are now conducted virtually via telephone or video conference. Although the interview may differ from the customary face-to-face meeting, you still need to prepare beforehand.
Get a friend to help you practice your phone, video, and face-to-face interview skills. If you practice this beforehand, you will be more confident and relaxed during your actual interview. During your video interview practice sessions, take note of other things that a hiring manager may see on your camera, such as items in the background.
Before your video interview, create a list of questions that you want to ask. As the hiring manager interviews you for the position, you are also interviewing the company to determine if it is somewhere you want to work. Be sure to ask questions about the company culture and what it is like to be employed there well as questions about the position you are applying for.
Whether your interview is a video conference or an in-person one, you should still dress for success. The recruiter is likely to see from your torso and up, so dressing professionally will make a great first impression.
Train With East Ohio
Get the education and training you need to start your new career. There are many jobs, especially in the healthcare sector, that require specific skills, certifications, and experience.
At East Ohio College, we empower students to succeed in their careers with education, training, real-life practice, and certification preparation*. We’re committed to supporting our students throughout their educational process.
Discover our accelerated healthcare programs in Nursing, LPN to RN Bridge, Medical Assisting, Medical Billing/Administration, Dental Assisting, and our online programs, Medical Assisting, Medical Billing/Administration, and Business Administration.
. Request information now to start your path to an exciting new career in healthcare!
*Certification is contingent on passing the corresponding certification exam.