First time college student Sam Shallcross began Dental Assisting classes in August at East Ohio College. Sam is a 2019 graduate of Ambridge High School where she was active in concert, marching, jazz, and steel band. Sam chose to attend East Ohio because of the “small classes, more one-on-one experience, and family environment.” Sam says that she always wanted to help people and her career choice gave her the opportunity to do that. She says she wants to be able to “make people feel better especially when they don’t want to be there (at the dentist).”
When asked about her experience so far at East Ohio, Sam says that she loves both Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Stine and that her favorite class is Student Success Strategies, because what they have done in class is “relatable to me.” Sam’s ideal job after graduation is to work as an Orthodontist Assistant. In five years, she plans to be working in that position. She also hopes to be married, starting a family, and to have dogs and a home of her own.
Sam says that she would recommend East Ohio to a friend (and already has) because “it is such a great family environment and welcoming environment.”