The coldness of winter can be particularly difficult for some individuals. As the days get chillier and shorter, it is essential to adjust your mindset to combat the challenges that winter brings. A positive outlook can make this time of year more manageable and even enjoyable.
East Ohio College (EOC) presents eight mindset tips to help you navigate the challenging winter season. Keep reading to discover our top suggestions for protecting your mental health and enjoying the winter!
Spend Time Outside
We understand that cold temperatures can be off-putting, and outdoor activities in winter may not be everyone’s first choice. However, the benefits of spending time outside, such as boosting your mood, improving cardiovascular health, and reducing stress, are significant. Even 20 minutes of outdoor time per day can bring about these health benefits, making it a worthwhile and manageable activity.
Create a Calming Environment
Creating a comfortable and calming environment to combat the dreary and dark outside world during winter can significantly impact overall mental health. Consider incorporating soft lighting to simulate the sun’s natural light for a mood boost. Many people opt for things that bring comfort, such as cozy blankets, candles, or houseplants, to turn their home into a happy place. By surrounding yourself with things that bring joy, you can feel at peace despite spending more time indoors.
Connect with Loved Ones
One of the most important things a person can do to protect their mental health during winter is to remain connected with their loved ones. When snow and cold temperatures make in-person visits challenging, prioritize staying in touch with your friends and family through phone calls, video chats, or text messages.
Don’t Isolate Yourself
In addition to staying connected to loved ones, it is important to not isolate during colder months. Isolating yourself can lead to feelings of loneliness or seasonal depression. Spending time in social settings will help lift your spirit and provide support during challenging times.
Exercise is an excellent way to combat the winter blues and has multiple health benefits. Exercising boosts endorphins, making you feel happy and relaxed, and offers a natural way to fight anxiety and stress. Any type of movement can help improve your mood and energy levels, so prioritize exercise by doing a home workout, hitting the gym, doing yoga, taking a walk outside, or another activity you enjoy.
Take Steps to Stay Healthy
There is a common misconception that the cold can make you sick. While the cold weather can dampen the immune system, it does not directly lead to illness. Protecting your immune system can help you stay healthy and fight off colds and other viruses that are more predominant in the winter. Check out EOC’s previous blog for ten tips to stay healthy during cold and flu season!
Prioritize Your Mental Health
It is estimated that 5% of the adult population faces Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) caused by the lack of sunshine on shorter days during winter. It is essential to care for your mental health to avoid slipping into a bad headspace. Some excellent options to do this include guided meditation, journaling, talking to a friend, or seeing a therapist.
See the Good in the Season
Finally, embracing the changes that winter brings can help you focus less on the challenges and more on the season’s beauty. For example, participating in winter-specific activities like sledding, skiing, ice skating, or cozying indoors to watch a movie can help shift our perspective on the winter.
EOC Is Here For Our Students
These eight strategies can help you adjust your mindset to face winter’s challenges. East Ohio College is here to provide our students with additional support, resources, and methods to improve their mental health.
Join the EOC team by requesting information about one of our nursing, allied healthcare, or professional services programs today!